Every man needs a man cave

The ugly truth is that most men are reduced to the position of second-in-command in their own houses; houses which they built, or are renting from their own hard earned money, writes Moses Opobo.

Saturday, December 01, 2012
In a man cave, also needed is furniture, good, comfortable furniture.

The ugly truth is that most men are reduced to the position of second-in-command in their own houses; houses which they built, or are renting from their own hard earned money, writes Moses Opobo.EVERY man has dreamed about having their own man cave. What is a man cave? Well, a place where he can sit, relax, unwind, catch their favorite sport, and generally feel like king of the castle.It should be a place where he can drink several cold beers, smoke a cigarette and read a good book without being asked to dust the sofa, take out the trash bin or feed the dogs. It should be the perfect escape into a world that you have created – a man’s world. A man cave is simply where men go to be alone, with only themselves. It is your sanctuary, where you can get away with anything that you want (or so we would like to think). Unfortunately, the ugly truth is that most men are reduced to the position of second-in-command in their own houses; houses which they built, or are renting from their own, hard earned money. There is this grueling feeling of being a near-subordinate even in their own house. The good news is that a man cave can take some of that miserable feeling away and give you that much needed breather. A man cave can also double as some sort of "cry baby room” for some men, because who says men don’t cry? First you have to ask permission one last time. Ask your wife which room you can use as your sweet escape. If your house has a basement, then it should be your first option. A basement is the perfect place for a man cave. It gives you the freedom to do what you want. The fact that she has all those stairs to walk down will ensure that your wife makes the trip to your man cave only when she really must.  If you need an extra pair of hands to set up your basement man cave, ask a few of your friends for help. Let them know that they stand to benefit from your man cave as well.That done with, you now need to get one of the most important components of your cave: TV, preferably flat screen to follow your game or catch an action movie. Back in the day, a decent plasma TV is what separated the boys from the real men, and you surely have worked very hard to be called a man. A flat panel TV set would be the best way to show your buddies what you are made of.A surround sound system is a must to go with the big screen TV. This is so you can still be entertained if there isn’t a big game on. If your pockets are deep enough, go for a game table (pool, table tennis) as this will give you a reason to invite friends over to hang out. Did we talk about the bar? Assuming of course that you are not a teetotaler, this is an absolute must. You will inevitably get thirsty hence the need to quench your thirst. A domestic bar unit is something your local carpenter can build for you at a reasonable fee. Once that is sorted, all that is left of the bar is a fridge. With the bar, not only will you play bartender for your friends, you can have your wife occasionally drop in to serve you drinks.Also needed is furniture. Good, comfortable furniture. You can get some good deals at a garage sale or clearance auction if you are lucky.  Highly recommended; you can never go wrong with leather, especially couches that you can sink your behind into for a good game on TV.Cool posters are another must. You probably loved them when you were a bachelor, but your wife won’t tolerate them in your bedroom anymore. The man cave is the perfect place for one.