I met my current boyfriend on facebook

Flora Nikita Ingabirye is an up-and-coming local musician who is better known to her fans as Nikky. She told Grace Mugoya how she met her dream man on facebook. Excerpts below:How did you meet your boyfriend?

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Flora Nikita Ingabirye is an up-and-coming local musician who is better known to her fans as Nikky. She told Grace Mugoya how she met her dream man on facebook. Excerpts below:How did you meet your boyfriend? We met on facebook. I did not know this guy before, but he knew me. However, I liked the fact that he never rushed to ask for my phone number like most men do. So, are you trying to say that you are in a relationship with a man just because you chat with him on facebook? No. Our relationship is not just about chatting on facebook. It is something serious and sometimes he travels from Kampala to come and see me.But you said he knew you before. Did he know you from Kampala?No, this guy is a Rwandan who just relocated to Kampala. But basing on what he told me, we once lived in the same area. For people to fall in love, they can meet anywhere – church, hotel, nightclub, on a bus.What does your boyfriend do for a living in Uganda?He is a footballer. Would you give your phone number to a stranger you’ve met, say, in a nightclub? Yes, I personally think that making new friends is fine.Currently, you are trying to build a career in the quagmire that is our music industry. Would you date a music producer if he assured you of promoting your music? No Sir. These producers are all the same – they are not focused when it comes to relationships. All they want is to use and dump you after, and everyone will know that you have been dumped. This is the surest way to lose value in a community.