The secret life of .... Engineer Albert Butare, the Minister of Energy and ICT

The first thing you do in the morning I say “ God, give me another great day, give me energy to accomplish well my day’s work, let me make my President happy as I know what he expects me to deliver to the people.”

Saturday, June 07, 2008

The first thing you do in the morning

I say " God, give me another great day, give me energy to accomplish well my day’s work, let me make my President happy as I know what he expects me to deliver to the people.”

What makes your day?

Energy…in thoughts, dreams, meetings.

Your favourite meal?

Very well done beans

Your style icon?

The late Yves Saint Laurent.

Your saddest moment?

I have several, hard to rank!

Where did you grow up?

Mainly in Tanzania.

Your dream city?

I keep changing my mind!

Your greatest fear

Retiring without some accomplishments and without a legacy of some kind!

All your money goes on what?

I am extravagant, I love cars, fashion, electronics, all these need money, and prioritisation becomes a problem!

You’re no good at…


You’re great at…

Organising things…when I have time!

What keeps you awake at night?

When my bosses (and my wife) are angry with me.

What does love mean to you?


What is your favorite word?

I mention the word "Energy” a thousand times a day…whether it is my favorite or not!

The most unappealing habit

Impatience and being slow in life.

Your bar in Kigali?

Republica used to impress me; I haven’t been for sometime.

What is the closest you have come to death?

Dosed off one day when I was driving and drove into the bush, it could have been a lake, a river, a bridge, name it!

What do you intend to be in ten year’s time?

I do not believe in speculation!

How do you relax?

Being where I love to be with whom I love to be with.

When did you last cry, and why?

To most emotional people, tears are always near and come out easily! I am one of them!

Your favourite item of clothing?

Fashions are changing fast; I try to move with them.

What was your favourite game in your childhood?

Swimming, firstly in huge ponds, lakes, then in small swimming pools!

To whom would you most wish to say sorry, and why?

It is mainly to one person, and for reasons I can only mention to the person!

Tell us a secret?

I have no secrets; I talk!
