Should universities adopt a standard dress code?

With all the flesh being exposed by university students, one can’t help but wonder if the liberty to dress freely is doing more harm than good. Society’s Martin Bishop asked a few individuals what they thought about a standard dress code for universities.

Thursday, November 29, 2012
Ronald Gasigwa

With all the flesh being exposed by university students, one can’t help but wonder if the liberty to dress freely is doing more harm than good. Society’s Martin Bishop asked a few individuals what they thought about a standard dress code for universities.Absolutely, adopting a dress code will not only preserve our cultural respect, it will also shape them well for the real world.Ronald Gasigwa--------------------------At least the skirts or dresses should be decent and modest in length and coverage, so as not to be a distraction to other students. Jackie Mutesi----------------------------If we want to save our ethical values, we need to instill moral behaviour in our children from nursery school, all the way to university. Designing a dress code will help.Rose Riberata---------------------------What does the way we dress have to do with anything? In my point of view, if our culture is decaying, it is because of our dirty mind set and not the clothes we wear. Antoinette Muragijimana-----------------------------Are you serious? University students are adults, not minors that can be told what is right and what is wrong. This dress code business is simply unacceptable. Coco Marino------------------------------It will be a little hard for someone who is accustomed to dressing indecently to change when they get to managerial posts later in life. A dress code will help fix this problem before it’s too late.Frank VD----------------------------------Our morals should always come first in whatever we do; university students should consider a dressing code as an immunization injection, it hurts a little but is of great importance in the long run.Laura Kansiime---------------------------------A standard dress code will help tame some students who dress like they are heading straight to a strip club.J D Niyonzima