Don’t marry her because she’s pregnant

When you are lost, speed doesn’t equal direction, the same way one cannot right a wrong by just veiling it up. When you look at the rate at which people get married in Rwanda, you can’t help but throw your hands up in the air to thank the creator for giving the people of this land the courage to shun the devil and opt for a sanctified way to start  a family, pleasing both God and people.

Thursday, November 29, 2012
Martin bishop

When you are lost, speed doesn’t equal direction, the same way one cannot right a wrong by just veiling it up. When you look at the rate at which people get married in Rwanda, you can’t help but throw your hands up in the air to thank the creator for giving the people of this land the courage to shun the devil and opt for a sanctified way to start  a family, pleasing both God and people.How we all wish it was like that! The hard truth is that today a worrying percentage of young people who tie the knot do not do it because they have zeroed down to that special person they want to spend their life with. Not at all.Brand me judgemental but the truth is, some couples (and the number seems to be going up) get married because the lady got pregnant during courtship or while they were ‘trying to get to know each other.’ Knowing that a baby out of wedlock is considered a cardinal sin, the guy acts like a true gentleman and saves his lady from the claws of our condemnatory society and quickly arranges a wedding to fix the problem. The couple, after several pregnancy tests confirm their fears and exchange texts of this nature; Hi! It’s me Laura, Please marry me. I promise I won’t bother you. I will sleep in the guest room for as long as you want. After the baby is born, we will go our separate ways but please don’t let me get embarrassed! And the guy goes like, Ok. Let us send sms’s to people who are foolish enough to believe we love each other. By the way, do not forget to update your status.Honestly, who are we trying to fool?  Since when did marriage become a joke and our families a play thing? How can a marriage survive when its foundation is built on lies? How can you ever trust each other when you jointly lied to your families and friends, and said vows you were not qualified to say? Marrying someone because you do not want them to be viewed as the promiscuous mortal they are, is worse than mercy killing. You start on the wrong note and the only light at the end of the long pitch-dark tunnel is the neon sign that boldly reads Divorce.I don’t know about you, but I think I would rather not involve my family and friends in such a web of nonsensical lies! If you choose to play around, be ready to face the consequesences of your actions. Even if you are strong enough to handle the guilt of mass lying, have a little sympathy and save us all the hustle of rushing from work to attend your phoney wedding meeting.