After soccer, let’s do ‘Twilight’!

On Sunday afternoon I painfully spent 90 minutes of my life watching Chelsea and Man City make fools out of themselves - all in the name of trying to impress a man I am dating.

Thursday, November 29, 2012
Alinda Lillian Munanura

On Sunday afternoon I painfully spent 90 minutes of my life watching Chelsea and Man City make fools out of themselves - all in the name of trying to impress a man I am dating.I am not one to believe in making sacrifices, therefore I cannot explain what I was doing seated in a sports bar watching soccer. First of all I hate noise so much it makes me irk, do not even get me started on how much I hate soccer but here I was listening to men screaming at the television every time one player pulled a move they did not approve of.I was forced to ask one ‘lumpen’ seated next to me to enter the damn TV and replace one of the players.Just when it clocked 89 minutes and I thought I had survived this unpleasant moment, these losers mercilessly added two more minutes (injury time), and the men cheered like little children that had been offered candy- while I sat on my stool contemplating death.I know you think two minutes is pretty short but dude, you absolutely have no idea how unsettling it gets when you are forced to sit in a bar full of football maniacs throwing their arms up in both protest and excitement. Confused fellows!And what the hell is wrong with this man, after making me watch soccer then he wants to talk about it- WITH ME! Nuts right?I threatened to hold my breath until he stopped talking about penalties and Drogba, and whatever else comes with football but nobody wants to be responsible for the death of miss drama queen- oh yeah, being a drama queen has its advantages - so he stopped talking.You know what they say- tit for tat is a fair game- we spent Monday night watching ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians’ and dozing in my leaving room is unacceptable so he had to sit through it.Need I mention that I attempted to talk about Kourtney’s babies and her clothes- well this uncompromising man did not hold his breath but conveniently locked himself in the loo for hours just to avoid the excruciating conversation- but again it is me- I patiently sat outside the bathroom door and continued with my analysis of the Kardashians. The point I am trying to make here – relationships are about compromise, if you want her to sit through that football match- be ready to sit through the crowning of Miss World. It is not fair for you to tag her along to noisy sports bars if you cannot sit through 30 minutes of ‘Desperate Housewives.’ If it is compromise we are doing, let it not be one sided.