He won’t know you exist if you do not step up

There is this guy in my church group that I have a serious crush on. The problem is, he doesn’t seem to know I exist or if he does, he is simply not interested. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

There is this guy in my church group that I have a serious crush on. The problem is, he doesn’t seem to know I exist or if he does, he is simply not interested.  I believe I am attractive and pleasant to be around, so what is the problem? Sometimes I think he is shy and that I should ask him out. Is that wrong? I really like him, what should I do?Anna


Dear Anna,As the Good Book says, "ask and thy shall receive”. You cannot assume that he knows that you even exist. So, what are your options? Well, the first option is to walk up to him and introduce yourself. Personally, I find any woman confident enough to do this extremely attractive. However, this is not everyone’s cup of tea. Some men, being the traditionalists that they are, find this too intimidating. They simply flee. I assume that you talk in church groups, right? Well, direct a few questions his way. This will get his attention and establish communication between the both of you. From there, you should slowly and naturally become more comfortable with each other. Relationships that start nice and slow have a greater chance of being successful, than those that are born from fireworks and excitement.If you have a question about your men, contact me itsaguything@newtimes.co.rw