Lessons from Dr Venant Ntabomvura

Editor ,Congratulations to the great doctor Venant Ntabomvura whose love for patients and even his commitment to see that his junior medical personnel progress is outstanding!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Editor ,Congratulations to the great doctor Venant Ntabomvura whose love for patients and even his commitment to see that his junior medical personnel progress is outstanding! Thanks for the great service you give to us. I think there should be some recognition to appreciate such patriotic people for their selfless service that has stood the test of time!God bless his remaining days and let him enjoy peace and wish him good health forever.Tharcisse, Kigali(Reaction to the profile of an 86-year old medical doctor at the University Teaching Hospital of Butare, published yesterday under the title ‘Dr Ntabomvura: Over 60 years of service).