The Camel and Donkey

Once upon a time in a small village called Kuvuki land, there lived two good friends, Camel and Donkey. They lived happily, helped and cared for each other and also met every night to share stories of their great village.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Once upon a time in a small village called Kuvuki land, there lived two good friends, Camel and Donkey. They lived happily, helped and cared for each other and also met every night to share stories of their great village.When Donkey would fall sick, Camel would care for him by cooking and looking after his garden and also travel far away to look for medicines that would cure him.One day, Camel also fell sick. He could not leave his house, cook or even look after his garden. So he suffered with hunger alone in the house, his garden also dying slowly.  Donkey knew his best friend was sick but did not care to visit him or look for the medicines that would cure him. But luckily after some time, Camel gained some strength and got out of the house. Immediately, Camel went to Donkey and asked why he did not visit him when he was sick and Donkey arrogantly replied that he was too busy with his own garden and did not have the time to visit him.Camel reminded donkey how he cared for him when he was sick and angrily told him the he is not a good friend. From that day, they have never been friends again.Moral of the story, care, love and above all, be there for your friends when they actually need you, because you will lose them and it’s no fun having no friends.