Being gay is unacceptable in African culture

Dear editor, In Africa being gay is unacceptable. The global culture is changing and there some who accept this behavior and coming to terms with it.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Dear editor,

In Africa being gay is unacceptable. The global culture is changing and there some who accept this behavior and coming to terms with it.

This is especially common in the developed countries but the case is not the same in Africa.

These people need to know that Africa is a continent that has managed to maintain and take care of its cultural beliefs and norms. 

This means that trying to influence and manipulate poor Africans to adopt homosexuality by offering large sums of money is pure malice and unacceptable.

In Africa homosexuality was and is not part of our culture and those who would even try to be gay were always put to death!

This means it was an abomination and I just want to inform those who have already been fooled that homosexuality is fine, that they have to overcome this weakness and be real.

It is against the laws in Africa that is why some harsh punishments passed on by some presidents like in Gambia and Senegal, are somewhat realistic. Getting beheaded for example will surely scare off people wishing to adopt it.

People who suffer from this can always get therapy to overcome this behavior and get well.
