What are you doing this holiday?

Are you watching movies? Attending a friend’s birthday party? Sleeping the entire holiday or simply unmoved by anything?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Learn how to bake with your mother's help. Net photo.

Are you watching movies? Attending a friend’s birthday party? Sleeping the entire holiday or simply unmoved by anything? If you are among the ‘I don’t know what to do this holiday’ then cry not, for I know a few things that will surely keep you busy and entertained. Kigali has some places sure to offer you some excitement, for example, La Pallise in Nyadungu, Mama Africa, Serena Hotel and Bambino that have activities children are certainly interested in like swimming. They also have play areas where children can run around, attack the swings and see-saw’s and many others. Try visiting relatives nearby or even upcountry. Have you not seen your grandparents in a while? Now would be a great time to go visit them and help them with their gardens.  It will make them very happy. Visit art exhibitions and museums and learn from them. Learn how to cook through easy recipes in a cook book – but do so under adult supervision lest you burn the house down.