Eat well, sleep early and do some chores this holiday

Now that the holidays are here, you probably can’t wait to attack all the activities you held off at school, like music, movies, hanging out with friends and most of all, eating all the junk food in the world.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Keep veggies on your diet. Net photo.

Now that the holidays are here, you probably can’t wait to attack all the activities you held off at school, like music, movies, hanging out with friends and most of all, eating all the junk food in the world. But, as tempting as a Bourbon cheese burger and milkshake sounds, try not to overdo it. I know they ‘are the bomb’ but those ‘bombs’ will only bring you obesity, and heart disease due to uncontrolled sugar and fats. Sure, spoil yourself once or twice, but try to stick to healthier foods like fruits, veggies (at least try), water, milk and any foods low in fat.I am sure some of you stay up at ungodly hours watching movie after movie, and only wake when breakfast is ready. I am not against dormancy especially in the holiday, but you could learn a thing or two during the holidays, like basic chores. I know being told to do chores is every kid’s nightmare but trust me, you will have to learn to do them someday so you might as well start now. Avoid the couch potato syndrome. Try to engage in other activities like sports, reading or simply communicating with nature, which means finding outdoor activities rather than sitting in the couch watching movies all day and night.Help the maid around the house and do not just give orders to be served. Chores are a great way to exercise, it does not matter how slim you are- we all need a little exercise.