Laugh Out Loud!

The tourist and his guideA tourist at Lake Kivu asked a local native who was also his guide at the time, “Ndahiro, do you know Biology, Psychology, Geology and Criminology? Ndahiro replied saying he had no idea what any of it was.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The tourist and his guideA tourist at Lake Kivu asked a local native who was also his guide at the time, "Ndahiro, do you know Biology, Psychology, Geology and Criminology? Ndahiro replied saying he had no idea what any of it was. After a while, the boat started sinking. And Ndahiro asked to the tourist, "Do you know swimmology?” The tourist said no. Then Ndahiro said, "Then get ready to ‘drownology’ or suffer the fate of crocodology.Arrested groomA police officer arrested a groom for over speeding. The man tried to explain himself but the officer told him to keep silent and get into the police car. After leading him to the police station he looked him up and told him to wait until the police chief came. After a while the officer said to the man, "Today  is your lucky day, the officer is coming from his daughter’s wedding.” And the man replied, "Don’t count on it, I was the groom!”Welcome to facebook :Where pedestrians have cars Where the unemployed are CEO’s Where everyone is cute as per their profile picture Where the school drop outs all seem to have studied from universities abroadWhere one can get all news from their home page