Counting my blessings

I may not be American (yet) or Canadian where Thanksgiving is such a big deal. Nevertheless, I celebrate the holiday, which happened to fall on the 22nd of November this time.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Many thanks to my boss for not being the boss from Hell. He May have fired a couple of people for gross misconduct but he hasn’t given the rest of us nightmares. Now if he could only be a little more generous with bonuses and salary raise come early next year, life will be even better.I may not be American (yet) or Canadian where Thanksgiving is such a big deal. Nevertheless, I celebrate the holiday, which happened to fall on the 22nd of November this time. There was no Turkey, Pumpkin Pie or big time spending for me though. I just took a moment to give thanks and this year, like every other, there’s a lot to be grateful for. Except for a few bouts of flu and a migraine now and then, I’ve enjoyed good health. I’m also glad I still have a job and a roof over my head. Both aren’t ideal but are better than nothing. Many thanks to my boss for not being the boss from Hell. He May have fired a couple of people for gross misconduct but he hasn’t given the rest of us nightmares. He’s not the kind of boss who sends people scampering the minute he walks into the room. Neither is he the mean-spirited kind who will penalize you for every slip-up. Now if he could only be a little more generous with bonuses and salary raise come early next year, life will be even better. The other person who hasn’t given me any trouble is my landlord. What his rentals lack in architectural pomp, he more than makes up for with politeness and the utmost respect. Even when I’m late with the rent for one reason or another, he doesn’t pound the door giving me ultimatums. Above all, he really respects his tenants’ privacy. Given some of the stories I’ve heard of frosty relations with landlords, I truly count myself lucky. You should be thankful too. Regardless of your circumstances, there’re people who envy you so don’t take anything for granted. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank those companies that give something back to their customers around this time of year. With Christmas not so far, I’m starting to feel the spirit, thanks to the numerous promotions already being advertised. Price cuts and discounts on certain products are tempting me to splurge though my wallet is keeping things in check. Last Wednesday, I was at one of the supermarkets in town and everything was going well until the rain came down. I usually carry an umbrella, not this time though and so I was forced to idle around the aisles, pretending to be interested in appliances and gadgets I know I’m never going to afford, as I waited for the rain to stop. Then a Good Samaritan alerted me to something going on at the checkout counter. Umbrellas were being handed to anyone who had bought something and I must say I’ve never been happier to receive a freebie. There’s one problem though. The bright orange is a bit too much for me and I’m sure for other shoppers too. I don’t want to come off as a choosy beggar but would it kill whoever designs these freebies to keep the customer in mind? Many company T-shirts I’ve received over the years are gathering dust in my unenviable portable closet either because the colours are too bold or the logos and slogans too conspicuous. I want to wear something without the whole world knowing it’s a handout because it bears the company slogan, address and phone number. Back to the giveaway, I’m always amused by typical human nature at the sight of free stuff. I saw hawkers and passersby claiming umbrellas they didn’t really deserve. One of the girls who sell airtime nearby had the nerve to ask me for my paper bag so it would look like she had bought something! To be continued…