South African photographer shares skills with locals

A crowd estimated to be in hundreds flocked Goethe-Institut’s grand studio, Kacyiru, on Friday evening for an event dubbed: The phenomenological power of pictures.

Saturday, November 24, 2012
David Southwood

A crowd estimated to be in hundreds flocked Goethe-Institut’s grand studio, Kacyiru, on Friday evening for an event dubbed: The phenomenological power of pictures. The evening featured a lecture by David Southwood, a famous South African photographer, who shared his professional skills and fascinating work experience with local photographers, artists, designers and photography enthusiasts.Southwood is a self-taught photographer, whose photographic works are exhibited at The South African National Gallery, The Finnish Museum of Photography, The Christoph Merian Stiftung, The Spier Art Collection and private collections in South Africa and abroad.In 2003, he won the International Bauhaus Award (1st prize) for an interdisciplinary project on contemporary city’s ‘transit spaces’ which he co-authored.Three of his short films on architecture were shown at the Venice Biennale of Architecture in 2010. He has worked in many African countries with a focus on cities.The event started at 7 pm and the lecture was in conjunction with the ‘Architecture of Peace’ exhibit in Kimisagara, curated by Archis.