DRC should address their own problems

Editor,I listened to news on channel 4 from UK which was blaming Rwanda and Uganda for arming M23 and claiming that Rwanda is recruiting child soldiers from Kigali.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Editor,I listened to news on channel 4 from UK which was blaming Rwanda and Uganda for arming M23 and claiming that Rwanda is recruiting child soldiers from Kigali. Let me ask, between Congolese and Rwandans, why would Rwanda recruit their own kids yet Congo has more desperate children wishing to join rebel movements than Kigali?The Congolese army runs away as M23 advances and UN does not help to stop the conflict. The people who write those reports of human rights groups should ask other people to write them better reports that will tell a professional lie. Congo should address their own problems instead of relying on human rights groups which eke a living out of the suffering people of Congo. Mwariam A, Kenya(Reaction to the opinion ‘The fighting has stopped, now is the time to start talking’, The New Times, November, 21)