Should the church ordain women bishops?

Yes, otherwise would be a disasterI literally can’t believe this is even up for discussion! It’s time to crack down on religious groups and make it clear that they don’t have any special status or immunity from the laws that the rest of us have to live by.

Friday, November 23, 2012
Ivan R.u00a0 Mugisha

Yes, otherwise would be a disasterI literally can’t believe this is even up for discussion! It’s time to crack down on religious groups and make it clear that they don’t have any special status or immunity from the laws that the rest of us have to live by.The church needs to ask itself one question, what would Jesus do? I thought the church would be the first place to fight for equal rights but apparently not. It refuses to adapt to modern society, which is one of the reasons church numbers continue to fall. The Anglican Church is in clear breach of anti-discrimination laws.This is the 21st century for Pete’s sake. How long will the church dwell in old values? I find it absurd that the church teaches one thing then acts in disparity. Are we not all equal in the eyes of God? Who is to say women aren’t capable of being bishops? What is this really based on? Is it the fact that Jesus only appointed men as his apostles? There were about 30 gospels in circulation back then, and the early church chose the four that suited their agenda. Some of the others gave more prominence to women. While the claim that Mary Magdalene was "the wife of Jesus” is without a doubt an exaggeration, she apparently was an important female disciple.Some Christians believe that the Bible teaches that men and women are of equal worth but have different roles, and that teaching authority is a male role - for example, St Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 2:12 that, "I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man”. I can only assume that the church takes this scripture very seriously.But regardless of a script, how can any Christian, and by that I mean a believer in the New Testament and not the anti-female rant of Genesis, believe in the second class status of women, driven by the world’s religions?I fail to see what there is to debate on this unless you’re someone who believes that men have a God-given right to control everything. And if that is the case then you are truly behind my friend!This has no impact on gender equality because the idea that women can be at the national political level, let alone middle managers, was done and dusted. You expect religions to be conservative but this is way beyond that and into a joke. There are plenty of weird and archaic religions but this is an official, state religion. If we are to move forward to a truly liberal world, then we break every barrier, and the church is exception. If they are well qualified then a woman should be able to be a bishop, archbishop and even Pope!