Women, enough with the fake tears!

When you see tears roll down a woman’s face, the first thing that runs through any man’s mind is ‘am I the problem?’ When she calls for backup, it is certain that there will be mob justice on the one responsible.

Thursday, November 22, 2012
Patrick Buchana

When you see tears roll down a woman’s face, the first thing that runs through any man’s mind is ‘am I the problem?’ When she calls for backup, it is certain that there will be mob justice on the one responsible. A few days back, a good Samaritan gave a woman a lift from a residential area to town. On reaching town, the man expected the lady to leave as he was branching off to his office. To his dismay, the lady said, "I get out? When you have not paid me? You have been with me in a hotel for three days and now you are saying I get out?” With a stunned look, the man hurriedly walked over to the lady’s door and opened it for her to lead her out of his car. The poor man did not know that he was just making things worse. When the woman got out of the car, she started screaming asking passersby to help her claim her money. According to her, she had spent three nights with the man and now he was sending her out of his car empty handed! People around asked the man to pay the lady. Comments of how he should man up and pay for the woman’s services came in from all angles. It went on that way until the police intervened. You have to hand it to the police; they took the man aside and asked him a question the phony woman failed to answer, thus proving his innocence. Had it not been for that, everyone had fallen for the shamelessly bold woman’s lie, and all it took was a few tears!