Men are insensitive louts, women need to get over it!

The other day I was hanging out with my boyfriend and he made a comment about my weight along the lines of “you’ve put on a couple of pounds haven’t you?” and he just continued on with his life, leaving me quite emotional not that he noticed.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The other day I was hanging out with my boyfriend and he made a comment about my weight along the lines of "you’ve put on a couple of pounds haven’t you?” and he just continued on with his life, leaving me quite emotional not that he noticed. I’m usually not sensitive about my weight but it is different when my boyfriend says, makes me feel unwanted and not sexy enough for him. Should I say something to him or just move on? I’m scared if I tell him he will just brush it off as funny girl issues and not take it seriously. Help!

Maria-----------------------------------Dear Maria,Let me break it down for you, and all the women reading this letter. MEN ARE INSENTITIVE LOUTS AND NOTHING CAN BE DONE TO CHANGE THAT! I’m sure that some women are going to dispute this but let me tell you; the only reason you think that your man is ‘sensitive’ is because he’s learnt that silence is golden. Obviously, your boyfriend is an ‘amateur’ where relationships are concerned. He obviously didn’t realise that commenting about a woman’s weight is a no-go area, no matter how fat she is getting. What ‘pros’ do is gently nudge their women towards a healthy lifestyle. Honestly, looking at the situation, I don’t think that he meant to make you feel unwanted or not sexy enough for him. It was merely an observation that he thought he could make because of the nature of your relationship. Tell him about how the words made you feel, but don’t allow his statement to get you down. He IS with you, isn’t he? If you have any questions to ask about men, email