A word to the youth

“When I look back, I am so impressed again with the life-giving power of literature. If I were a young person today, trying to gain a sense of myself in the world, I would do that again by reading”  Maya Angelou.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Stephen Mugisha

"When I look back, I am so impressed again with the life-giving power of literature. If I were a young person today, trying to gain a sense of myself in the world, I would do that again by reading”  Maya Angelou.With very little planned for holiday makers, sometimes the youth tend to spend time in activities that do not help them grow. This is why I chose today’s topic. For the youth out there to spend their holiday meaningfully.One way is by reading. Read anything that is constructive. Books, magazines, news papers. There is information all around you and information is power. Do not wait to grow and regret. Read and equip yourself with informationChose the right friends. Friends are like books. They can change you for the best or for the worst. Remember this, never blame your friends for anything, the choice is yours. Chose to follow or not, and when you reach the top, remember to recognise those friends who came with you to the top. If you want to fly, chose eagles. They know all the winds.Spend time wisely. Time is a running river. Take care of the minute, and the hour will take care of its self. Do not just spend time, use it productively, and by the end of holidays, you will be happy with yourself.Develop a positive attitude towards life. No matter what the situation, be positive, see to the positive side and you will gain the power to go through it all happily.Remember your parents have been there, listen to them, you will get fundamental values of life.Please remember this: Hard work pays. It’s an old saying that is still valid. Success will not find you in bed. Throw that blanket. If you train yourself to work, you will reward yourself when you grow. Success comes through hard work. Determine what you want and go for it.Do not spend time in useless yet destructive pursuits like drinking and sexual indulgencies. That is a waste of energy. Spend your precious energy doing something constructive that will move you from one position to a higher one. Join different clubs for example sports clubs, book clubs, etc. These clubs help you exercise your brain and help you get involved and occupy you so you do not have time to waste engaging in other activities that may be destructive.Visit places that are worth visiting for example make use of the public library. You can read various books just for leisure yet it helps acquire knowledge. Talk to your parents. This is family time. Have time enough to talk to your parents and take part in family activities and chores. It makes life more meaningful and please get to know other family members.You need spiritual growth. Look for activities that help you grow spiritually. You need to grow physically and spiritually to. Whatever activity that can help your spirit will help your physical growth to.The author is an Educationist, author and Publisher.