A lesson from the late Francis Imbuga

Editor, Africa will miss Prof. Francis Imbuga, the Kenyan who inspired many readers with his literary masterpieces like Betrayal in the City, Aminata, Man of Kafira and other plays.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Editor,Africa will miss Prof. Francis Imbuga, the Kenyan who inspired many readers with his literary masterpieces like Betrayal in the City, Aminata, Man of Kafira and other plays. His death robbed Africa of a great playwright. Those who knew him will always remember the 65-year-old’s sense of humour, wit and satirical writing. His themes and the way he picked his characters in Betray in the City were powerful. One character that strikes readers most is Mulili, an illiterate soldier employed by the state and given a big post simply because the president is his uncle. Teta, Nyagatare-----------------------------------------Editor,True, we have lost a great playwright in the names of Francis Imbuga. What he said in his play Betrayal in the City has great relevance even in today’s world. Though the characters in the play Betrayal in the City are fictitious, we have similar people like Mulili, Jere, Juster, Nina or Doga in our society. Think about students who try to demonstrate but get killed in the process. Some people get jobs simply because they are well connected but not qualified for these jobs. RIP Prof. Francis imbugaEugene, Kigali