KCC ought to look into noise polution issue cautiously

Editor, God is great and has to be given the first place in everything. He requested us to love him with all our heart, our strength and, our souls. Why should you compare him with night clubs?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Editor,God is great and has to be given the first place in everything. He requested us to love him with all our heart, our strength and, our souls. Why should you compare him with night clubs? Why do you not stop wedding ceremonies that take place in late hours? Don’t provoke GOD with too many restrictions to worshippers. God bless you.Wisdom, Kigali -----------------------------------Editor,Culture has much do with the way people worship. In the Bible, there are cases when God’s people were loud, sometimes loudness is a sign of joy and victory. There are loud promotional shows which even disrupt traffic flow, but you find the police simply giving them protection instead of stopping them. Why? Are some people more important than others? Give poor people space to worship their God. God is the only comfort of the poor.God fearing Rwandan, Kigali(Response to a story ‘KCC cautions churches on noise pollution’ published yesterday)