These embarrassing stories from other teens are so funny, you’ll laugh out loud (or cringe)!

One day, my crush and his friend found what looked like a snake on the floor of the school hallway. I squatted down to see it, and my pants ripped! That day, all my other underwear was in the wash so I was wearing a pair of underwear with teapots on them! I hid them pretty well all day, and no one noticed. Later that day, my teacher asked me to come up and solve a math problem on the board. Once I got up to the board, the chalk dropped.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

One day, my crush and his friend found what looked like a snake on the floor of the school hallway. I squatted down to see it, and my pants ripped! That day, all my other underwear was in the wash so I was wearing a pair of underwear with teapots on them! I hid them pretty well all day, and no one noticed.

Later that day, my teacher asked me to come up and solve a math problem on the board. Once I got up to the board, the chalk dropped. Forgetting all about my pants, I bent down to get it and my underwear was exposed to the whole class! I am still going out with my crush, but now he always calls me «teapots» or asks me «how are your teapots, honey?»  - LizOne day my friend forgot to wear a bra to school. She was so humiliated, and I didn’t want her to be so embarrassed so I gave her my extra sports bra I always keep in my P.E. locker. The next day at our last track meet, we were arranging all of our stuff when she pulled out my bra and waved it in front of the guys and people around. The guys from my grade picked it up and started running around with it! Worst of all, the older guys who have been crushing on me since last year were there, and so were the guys in my grade who I kinda liked! HOW BAD! – AnyaI was at my friend’s bar mitzvah party wearing a black cardigan over a tank top. I started dancing and got really hot, so I took off my cardigan. I kept on dancing for another two hours until I went to the bathroom with my friend. While putting up my hair into a ponytail in front of the mirror, I saw that I had all this black fuzzy stuff in my armpits! It ended up that my cardigan left little fuzzy stuff in my armpits because it stuck to my deodorant. A lot of people saw it, and everyone thought it was armpit hair that I didn’t shave! I wanted to cry and quit dancing right then! –