How to be happy (as a teen girl)

A girl’s teenage years are going to stay with her for the rest of her life. Adults who can barely remember what they said two weeks ago are able to recall important or memorable events that occurred when they were teenagers.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A girl’s teenage years are going to stay with her for the rest of her life. Adults who can barely remember what they said two weeks ago are able to recall important or memorable events that occurred when they were teenagers. If you want to look back on joyful times, instead of periods of misery and despair, then it’s obvious that you have to accomplish one thing; being happy. However, being happy isn’t as simple as it seems, especially as being a teenager is no easy job. If you’re a teenage girl looking for happiness, this is the article for you.Be yourself. You can’t be truly happy unless you know the person who you’re trying to make happy (YOU!). Spend some time alone to think about who you are and what your purpose in life is, so that you can use that as a guide in your life.Make friends. Communicate. Chat with your friends about anything; from movies and music, to fashion and boys. Being a (teen) girl should be fun, exciting, and full of new surprises!Enjoy giggles with your best friends by going to sleepovers, parties, and events together. Try to go shopping, especially on weekends, or watch a new movie together as a group. Also, try to make new friends, and expand the group of people that you’re friends with!Feel comfortable about your body. When you grow up, you start to feel insecure about yourself. Your appearance and your body are your sole focus all of a sudden. Remember that curves are the must have accessory, so don’t diet because your «friends» tell you to, or because you see airbrushed celebrities, or just because you see yourself as a little bit chubby. Just remember to drink plenty of water every day, try and eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, and exercise for around thirty minutes a day. Find what you love. Whether it’s jazz music, volleyball, dancing, or singing into your tattered hairbrush, everyone has a passion that makes them smile. Practice doing what you love, with your friends, or solo.Pick your friends wisely. If you find a person or a group of people that you can trust, have fun with, talk personally with, and they make you happy when you’re around them, then you’ve probably found good friends. If your friends try to coax you into doing bad things or things you don’t want to do, don’t. You don’t have to give in. If they’re strongly pressuring you to do bad things, find new friends.Now go be a happy teen girl!