How to control your debts

There are always good and bad debts and in any life situation, one cannot fail to encounter debts. Whether it is a good or bad debt, you need to see how you can control them.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

There are always good and bad debts and in any life situation, one cannot fail to encounter debts. Whether it is a good or bad debt, you need to see how you can control them.So how can you control these debts. Perhaps you need to cut down on them to ensure that they do not affect your personal life. Here are ways that can help you get rid of the burden.First, try to look at your debt sequence and categorise them according to their interest burden. This will help you pay them off and always ensure that you start with the debt with a high interest rate and those whose deadline is near.  For example, if it is a long term loan, it is better to seek for means through which you can get another one to clear it off to lower the debts that demand a high interest rate. Try again as much as possible to reduce on spending and concentrate on paying off debts and avoid accumulating any other small debts.Minimise costs on energy, transport, contributions, rent and channel the savings to clear some of your outstanding debts. Try to postpone your contributions say to weddings, birthday parties, charities in order to concentrate your efforts in clearing your debts. Secondly, do not borrow when it is not worth it. Reduce on expenditures and buy things you urgently need and push back products you may not urgently require. Again try to minimise on lending, as this will always affect your budget.Remember that your financial behaviour affects your future financial life; it is worth that you have a plan on how to manage your debts, increase your income and create a buffer fund that can always help you finance emergency expenses.