True, Kigali is the safest City

Editor,I am from India, and came to Kigali in 1996 and stayed for 10 years. It’s absolutely the safest country in world without second thought. People are friendly, giving so much respect to visitors............ great country.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Editor,I am from India, and came to Kigali in 1996 and stayed for 10 years. It’s absolutely the safest country in world without second thought. People are friendly, giving so much respect to visitors............ great country.If the Rwandan government allows me to stay in Rwanda after my retirement , I would be the happiest man and grateful to all Rwandan citizens.Sinu, Lagos----------------------Editor,RWANDA knows the value and cost of safety for her people. The price paid to come to this level was high; hence a great need to be safe guarded.David, Kigali.(Response to a story about Rwanda being the safest place to live in Africa published yesterday)