DRC leadership, M23 must talk peace

Editor,I think the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) must swallow their pride and discuss peace with the M23 rebel movement so that the Congolese people in eastern Congo get peace. I think the M23 rebels have a legitimate cause and this must be looked into. I remember, they signed an agreement with the leadership in 2009 which was violated by DRC.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Editor,I think the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) must swallow their pride and discuss peace with the M23 rebel movement so that the Congolese people in eastern Congo get peace. I think the M23 rebels have a legitimate cause and this must be looked into. I remember, they signed an agreement with the leadership in 2009 which was violated by DRC. Also, President Kabila must realise that his troops are weak and cannot stop M23 advance! For the sake of peace in eastern Congo, let DRC bow down and accept negotiations with the rebels. The claims by DRC that the rebels are supported by external forces will not help the Congolese people.Daniel, Gisenyi-------------------------------Editor, I think the only solution to eastern Congo conflict is one and simple. DRC must be split into two like what happened in Sudan. The country is huge and the President is overwhelmed. This country has minerals but their citizens live in poverty due to poor leadership in Kinshasa. I think if it is split, it will be easily managed and beneficial to all Congolese. Fighting will only bring misery to Congolese.Teta, Nyagatare(Response to a story ‘M23 rebels capture Kibumba’ published in The SundayTimes)