Treat all employees with dignity please

Editor,I am happy to learn that last week, a court found Contact FM management guilty of illegally firing five of its staff without any notice, thus violating contracts signed with them. This is good news to every employee.

Monday, November 19, 2012
A cleaner at work. The NewTimes/File.

Editor,I am happy to learn that last week, a court found Contact FM management guilty of illegally firing five of its staff without any notice, thus violating contracts signed with them. This is good news to every employee. We have callous employers who are fond of firing workers without any strong reasons. Information from the office of the ombudsman indicate several cases of employees who are seeking help following illegal dismissal by their employers. I want to thank the journalists of Contact FM for standing firm and defending their rights. I would like to urge them and speak out on behalf of several Rwandans being harassed by their callous employers. Some of these employees are women who are sexually harassed daily by their bosses. The Contact FM case is an eye opener. Media organisations are supposed to be the voice of the voiceless but you cannot do this when you violate the rights of your own people! Edin, Kigali