Snoop Dogg ‘wants to buy shares in Celtic FC’

SNOOP Dogg has expressed an interest in buying a share of Celtic FC.

Monday, November 19, 2012
Snoop Dogg

SNOOP Dogg has expressed an interest in buying a share of Celtic FC.The LA-based rapper revealed that he would like a seat on the Scottish club’s board.Snoop began considering investing in the team after their most recent Champions League clash."I got a lot of interest in soccer,” said the ‘Gin and Juice’ star. "It’s not a new thing for hip-hop stars to invest in sports teams but it is a new thing for hip-hop stars to invest in soccer teams."I didn’t catch the whole Barcelona game but I watched the highlights,” he said of the club’s victory over their Spanish opponents."I know Barcelona are a big deal, and it shows Celtic are a big deal as well. I see how passionate Celtic fans are about their team and I could see myself making an investment if any of the board wanted to sell."I haven’t really thought how much,” he admitted. "I don’t need to run a soccer club but enough of a percentage to get me on the board so I can be heard. I want to bring a bit of Snoop to things.”He added: "I am passionate about my sport. The boxes at Celtic would never be the same once I have hosted a party there.”Snoop, 41, is a qualified football coach and acts as a trainer for his son’s school team. He revealed that he has even discussed his plans with friend David Beckham, who he claimed he would try to lure to the club. Sunday Mail