The girl who liked eating all the time

There was a girl called Nkundakurya. She liked eating all the time and she would eat anything she found. Her mother used to warn her all the time and tell her not to eat anything that she had not given her.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

There was a girl called Nkundakurya. She liked eating all the time and she would eat anything she found. Her mother used to warn her all the time and tell her not to eat anything that she had not given her.

Nkundakurya never liked listening to her mothers warnings. Everyday, when it was time to go to school, instead of hurrying so that she would not reach late, she used to sit under an orange tree and eat the oranges until she was satisfied.

She would reach school very late and when the teacher would ask her where she had been she would lie and say that her mother had sent her to the market.

She continued like this until one day the teacher told the mother to stop sending Nkundakurya to the market before school because she reaches late every day.

Her mother went home and seriously warned her about lying but she could not listed. So many days passed and she kept doing the same thing.

One weekend, her mother went to the market to shop. As soon as she walked out of the house, Nkundakurya went to her mother’s room to look for anything to eat.

She saw a bottle hidden in the corner of the room and she thought it was soda. She opened it and started drinking. Her mother had forgotten money for buying things so she came back to pick it.

She found Nkundakurya crying and she said that her stomach was paining. Her mother asked her what she had eaten and she said she had drunk soda. Her mother saw the bottle and shouted saying it was rat poison.

She run and brought for her a lot of milk to drink. Nkundakurya drank the milk until she vomited all the poison out. She was sick and weak for some days and then she got fine.

From that day on, Nkundakurya stopped eating and drinking anything which her mother had not given her.

From this story we learn not to be greedy, and not to eat things from the road that we do not know, instead we are to eat the good food our parents give us.
