SONARWA pays out over Rwf2 billion in claims

Rwanda’s leading insurance company Societe Nationale D’assurances Du Rwanda by end September this year paid over Rwandan Francs two billion in form of claims from different clients.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Rwanda’s leading insurance company Societe Nationale D’assurances Du Rwanda by end September this year paid over Rwandan Francs two billion in form of claims from different clients.A big chunk  paid  for Mercedes truck, one of  EWSA’s motor fleet  involved in an accident and  had the vehicle totally written off SONARWA  settled the claim on a constructive total loss basis to the tune of Rwf65 million.Insurance sector has recorded major developments in cautious underwritings, investments and improved professionalism.  The penetration is about 2.3 per cent though its still less than the 10 per cent for middle income economies which is the country’s target by 2020.In a period of six months of 2012, the insurance sector performance improved progressively with total assets reaching Rwf180.6 billion compared to RWF 147.5 billion during the same period in 2011.Central bank says the liquidity position of the insurers is strong with current ratio of 218 per cent as of the quota of 2012 end March 2012.This good performance is a reflection of the impact of the supervisory reforms undertaken in the insurance industry.However, according to Monetary Policy Statement released in August, gross premiums decreased slightly as well as the net profit from RWF 33.1 billion to RWF 32.6 billion and from Rwf17.6 billion to Rwf 14.6 billion in 2011 and 2012 respectively.The insurance sector is composed of 9 insurers of which seven are private and two are public, 5 insurance brokers, and 120 insurance agents.