Tigo creates 5000 new jobs

One of the leading telecom companies Tigo, has created 5000 new jobs in the last two years raising more optimism that the sector has capacity to lead economic growth.

Sunday, November 18, 2012
Tigo CEO Diego Camberos handing over a certificate to one of the graduates. The New Times / T. Kisambira.

One of the leading telecom companies Tigo, has created 5000 new jobs in the last two years raising more optimism that the sector has capacity to lead economic growth.Through its window ‘Tigo sales school’, the company was able to train 5000 of its freelance sales team with skills that led to growth of small businesses for the last two years. The trainees are mainly Tigo sales agents with other products thus boosting their income."The problem was not capital. it was how I manage this business, but from this training, I have been able to increase my sales and my earnings from business have increased,” said Marie Antoinette Niyonsaba a business lady and one of the beneficiaries of Tigo sales school.Tigo Sales School program is designed to tackle business education for the direct ‘Sales forces’ and ‘Customer Operation’ teams with the objective of providing them with more tools to constantly improve their lives as well as growing their opportunities."We are pleased that we are able to contribute to the growth of the economy through job creation,” Diego Camberos, Tigo Rwanda Chief Executive Officer said while graduating sixty of the sales team on Friday.Government is embarking on entrepreneurship to have more jobs created as well as a quick win towards economic growth and poverty reduction. The private sector has been encouraged to play a key role increasing more opportunities to bridge job deficit that lingers in the country.   It is projected that once private sector steps in and create jobs, government will  meet  its target of 3.2 million off-farm jobs by 2020 up from 1.4 million jobs currently.Camberos says that the trainings render for the trainees will transcend their roles at Tigo as it also prepares them for a long term future in their businesses, which helps them boost their turnovers."We are forming a specifically-trained and effective sales force which is able to understand the market and provide our customers with a better Tigo experience and higher quality service,” he addedTigo Sales School is a novelty in Rwanda’s telecom industry, implementing for the first time in the country a comprehensive system that provides ongoing education for the sales force and increasing their opportunities to grow.Most small businesses in Rwanda are struck with poor financial management, lack of a marketing and sales strategy and product development with their owners lacking skills to address these challenges."Most of these people didn’t go to school and they cannot go back but if they are given a chance for training they can develop their businesses,” Chantal Umutoni, the Head of Sales and Distribution for tigo Rwanda explainedIt is also noted that through orientation and mindset change for entrepreneurs, many young entrepreneurs will be able to venture into businesses which will boost the private sector need to drive the country’s economy.