Proposed political education Institute is long overdue

A proposed political education Institute should be implemented as soon as possible. Its establishment should be expedited to address the shortage of local leaders with vital leadership skills. Like President Kagame noted, political education is a vital tool in senstising and consolidating the national unity of any country.  The institute should target serving leaders who still need extra skills to sharpen their leadership capacities.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

A proposed political education Institute should be implemented as soon as possible. Its establishment should be expedited to address the shortage of local leaders with vital leadership skills. Like President Kagame noted, political education is a vital tool in senstising and consolidating the national unity of any country.  The institute should target serving leaders who still need extra skills to sharpen their leadership capacities.

The brain behind this proposal, Odette Nyiramirimo, a member of the East African Legislative Assembly observes that the institute is expected to further empower political leaders at all levels. Once leaders are politically conscious about the country’s vision and possess good leadership skills, then consolidating national development and unity becomes inevitable. Such leaders are in position to jealously protect the national values and vision of the country.  They are also in a better position to articulate development programs of the country.  A full-time political education institute can be a centre of excellence in training leaders at all levels. And Rwanda will not be re-inventing the wheel, countries with strong political education institutions have managed to forge national unity.However,  there is need  to develop a comprehensive strategy that will assist in making sure that the political institute is given all the support to train the best leaders that can preserve and consolidate the achievements of the country.  The objectives and goals of the institute should be well thought out and all stake holders should be consulted to come up with the best model on which the institute will be premised.  The Institute’s objectives should feed into the country’s vision and aspirations to make Rwanda a better place.