Baby mosses grows into a great leader

A long time ago, in the land of Egypt a baby called Moses was born. His mother hid him in a basket and put him in a river because the king wanted to hurt him.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

A long time ago, in the land of Egypt a baby called Moses was born. His mother hid him in a basket and put him in a river because the king wanted to hurt him.

When baby Moses grows up into a big man, he will make the king of Egypt stop hurting God’s people; the people of Israel. He will be a servant of God.

When baby Moses was still floating along the river side, the King’s daughter saw him and she took baby Moses back home to take care of him.

After some years baby Moses grew up and became a strong big man. He was a shepherd who used to look after sheep away from Egypt.

One day God talked to Moses through a bush that was burning with fire. But the bush was not getting burnt. Moses hid his face because he was afraid to look at God.

After that Moses and his brother Aaron went and talked to the king and told him to let God’s people go.

The king just laughed at Moses and Aaron and hurt the people even more. Moses and Aaron told the king that if he did not stop, God would hurt the king with many plagues.

God sent the plagues but the king was very stubborn and refused to let the people go. One day the king’s first born son died. The king cried and he let the people go.

They were very happy and they packed their things to go with Moses to the land which God had promised them
When they reached the Red Sea which was very big, there was no way to pass.

Moses prayed and God separated the sea and the people of God crossed.

The king followed with his army to stop the God’s people from going but they ended up drowning in the sea.

This is how God saved the His people who were suffering in Egypt. He still saves and takes care of every one if you listen and obey what God tells you.
