When ‘de-toothing’ visited Nyamijos

It is December 1998. Flashlights shoot across the Nyamirambo dark sky gliding from west to east. Music booms out of the large disco speakers. Cars jam the main entrance as patrons struggle to enter.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

It is December 1998. Flashlights shoot across the Nyamirambo dark sky gliding from west to east. Music booms out of the large disco speakers. Cars jam the main entrance as patrons struggle to enter. Yes, it is the hottest night spot in Nyamirambo! It is approaching midnight and the discotheque is buzzing with hundreds of merrymakers. They are busy dancing to Koffi Olonide’s monster hit, Ndombolo. Meanwhile, clean-shaven dudes are perched atop long stools, one hand on the Mutzig bottle and the other caressing a beautiful babe. One of the chicks is clad in a tight black mini-skirt and a sleeveless blouse. The chain around her neck glitters like it is gold itself. Her high heeled shoes balance delicately on the slippery floor. Her guy in jean trousers and jacket is pouring red wine into her glass. He also coos in her ear motioning her towards the dance floor. Love is around! The crowd is growing larger every passing minute. A touch of Ugandan music is now playing. Patrons sing along to Sirika Baby by Emperor Orlando. The couple are counting down. After several more sips and swigs, it is time to head home. Out they go. But it is this sleek dark blue BMW that catches the girl’s eye. The huge man behind the wheel has his eyes hidden behind a pair of black glasses. He easily passes for 50 but this does not bother the girl. Meanwhile, she and her guy are negotiating for a taxi to take them away. The bouncers behind them are still controlling the large number of disco lovers. Noise in every corner. The BMW dude has now made up his mind. He flicks his car lights and the girl gets the message loud and clear. There is no time to waste. She has to think real fast. And she does. The plot is, oooops, she has forgotten her purse in the dance hall. Could she dash and retrieve it? Of course not, unless she is dating a brat! Since she is not out with a brat, the guy offers to pick it for her. That, as they say, is that! The dame slides into the waiting BMW which immediately slithers out towards down town. A few minutes later, the guy comes out of the dance hall empty handed. He couldn’t find the purse. Was it really there in the first place? He heads for the taxi minus noticing small groups of young couples giggling conspiratorially. He searches for his babe without success. Dejected, he climbs into the taxi. That is when it dawns on him that he has been beautifully "detoothed”. The taxi driver wastes no time in confirming his worst fears. The girl is meanwhile presumably already enjoying the greener pastures! Wow, that was 1998…