‘I can sacrifice my tuition to rescue my boyfriend’

Fadia Uwera was named the most beautiful girl at Mt. Kenya University in 2010. The 21-year-old beauty revealed to Grace Mugoya all the makings of her dream man:

Friday, November 16, 2012
Fadia Uwera, former Miss Mt Kenya University.

Fadia Uwera was named the most beautiful girl at Mt. Kenya University in 2010. The 21-year-old beauty revealed to Grace Mugoya all the makings of her dream man:Who is Fadia Uwera?I am a 21-year-old second year student of Business at Mt. Kenya University in Kigali, Rwanda.What compelled you to contest for the Miss Mt. Kenya University title? I wanted to be the ambassador of my school out there and also represent Mt. Kenya University students at the university’s administration.You look hot...what is your secret? Oh, thank you! I really don’t have any secret but I think it’s just a blessing from GodSo do you get hordes of men hitting on you because of your looks?  Wow! Well, that’s not VERY true. University girls don’t seem to be interested in relationships with their fellow students. What do you think could be the reason for this? In my opinion, I think university ladies believe such relationships do not last for long.There is this perception that university students date "sugar daddies”. What is your take on this?  Yes, sugar daddies are interested in university students. But they (sugar daddies) simply want to use university girls by engaging them in things that can easily ruin their future.What is your view on dating while still at campus? To me, I think dating while still at campus is not bad, but what is important is to know what exactly you have to do with the relationship. Would you sacrifice your tuition to rescue your lover? Yes, I would because I would be in love with him. What kind of man would you be happy to spend the rest of your life with? One who is God-fearing, loving, caring and kind.Would you fall in love with a man below your education level? Why not? Love is not about education; it’s about feelings. Is a surprise from your lover a big deal? Yes. It makes me realise how much he cares about me.Red flower or money, what would make you happy on Valentines Day? Well, I love flowers so much and I am sure they would make my day.