Who benefits from chaos in DRC?

Editor,Allow me to respond to an opinion article published in The New Times of November, 15, titled ‘Sanctions on M23 will not bring peace’.

Friday, November 16, 2012
Some of the refugees who recently came from the DRC. The New times File.

Editor,Allow me to respond to an opinion article published in The New Times of November, 15, titled ‘Sanctions on M23 will not bring peace’. They are not really interested in a solution. They want the chaos in the DRC to persist. Why? For the UN because it allows it to continue to wear the false mantle of being needed and therefore to justify their so called peacekeeping role and the corresponding huge budget even though they cannot show any result for it after over a decade of the global taxpayers’ money being squandered in this ‘heart of darkness’, For the West, an ungoverned DRC gives their mining companies free access to that country’s resources at a very cheap price.At most, all that is needed is to pay kickbacks to a few well-placed individuals in Kinshasa and the rest goes straight to the bottom-line. M23 is the fly in the ointment, preventing their access to concessions in North Kivu and so it must be eliminated at all costs. Mwene Kalinda