The Chinese phone disease

After reading this, you will feel good about all the silly things you have done because trust me, what I’m about to mention is simply nerve-wracking.  Well, church mice can finally take a break, because the saying seems to have changed these days to ‘as poor as a campuser’.

Thursday, November 15, 2012
Patrick Buchana

After reading this, you will feel good about all the silly things you have done because trust me, what I’m about to mention is simply nerve-wracking.  Well, church mice can finally take a break, because the saying seems to have changed these days to ‘as poor as a campuser’. However, Kigali Institute of Science and Technology students have taken this poverty to a whole new level with their Chinese Phone Syndrome. For a moment I suspected that to even get admitted into the Institution, a Chinese phone was a requirement.But the worst came to the worst when I was seated in one of the lecture rooms and the lecturer’s phone buzzed. The vibration was louder than the ringtone and that is when I finally calculated that in KIST, no other phone could actually get network unless it was Chinese. But it wasn’t just the lecturer, the lesson was more of a competition of whose phone rang loudest, from one corner you would hear a song but with more stereo than anything, and in another, the same irritating sound. Count your blessings if the lecturer is in class when these phones start ringing like they are possessed because if not, someone will pick their phone and add the extra annoyance that comes with Chinese phones – speaking with the loudest tone!It so happens that when a person in one lecture room picks up their phone, the people in the next room can’t hear the lecturer. Fearing that it was illegal to have an original phone, I kept my phone away for a while and when I finally got it out, I was almost announced Class Captain, commonly called Class Chief but I declined. The Camps inspector is on the look-out, the first KIST student to get an original phone will be given another for free!!!!