Be clear, or don’t bother!

Da prsne hu tld u dat mst hv bin blzd. U nd 2 dmp dem....Please, worry not; I am going to translate this madness to you. The person who told you that must have been blazed (drunk or high on weed). You need to dump them, is what that is.

Thursday, November 15, 2012
Rachel Garuka

Da prsne hu tld u dat mst hv bin blzd. U nd 2 dmp dem....Please, worry not; I am going to translate this madness to you. The person who told you that must have been blazed (drunk or high on weed). You need to dump them, is what that is. It took me about 30 minutes to make sense of it.  The owner of the wall where I read it questioned how anyone above the age of 15 can write something so disturbing! In entire agreement, I felt it was my sworn duty to address this matter because it really isn’t cute anymore.I understand that some people have holes in their wallets and therefore can’t afford to buy credit every time it runs out, so they maximise what they have and shorten words to the best of their ability. But let us be serious, even in emails and on Facebook?In case you have not found out yet, Email and Facebook is free! So, it is not necessary to strain people’s minds trying to make sense of something that can be put in plain and simple English. Words chopped that badly, might seem like English but I can assure you it really isn’t – that is English on crack!A friend of mine found it quite irritating when she inboxed someone on Facebook and all they could reply was ‘k’. So unamused she was, she updated her status telling people to style up and be polite enough to return her well written messages with a full ‘okay’ and not some version of it.I realised just how annoying that ‘k’ nonsense is when my 18 year old cousin texted me and when I responded telling him where to find me, all he replied was ‘k’. I resisted the urge to bang my knuckles on his head when I finally saw him. Dude, seriously, MTN doesn’t care if you spelled it ‘k’ or okay, they will still take their RWF 10 for that text. Asking why he couldn’t just write the whole word, he proudly told me it was swag and that only old people write full words! I resisted another urge! I told him never to text me using such silly language and if it was too hard, he could kiss my contribution to his laptop goodbye! It is safe to say, his English is back on track!That said, hp u tk tis sersly n lrn 2 rte sns, hv a nc d. Annoying right? I said, I hope you take this seriously and learn to write sense, have a nice day!