Know your man before you choose his gifts

It’s my boyfriend’s birthday in a couple of weeks and I have no clue what to do! I guess I could ask him what he wants but I want to surprise him.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Patrick Buchana

It’s my boyfriend’s birthday in a couple of weeks and I have no clue what to do! I guess I could ask him what he wants but I want to surprise him. Do guys like the whole surprise party thing or they just want a dinner at home or a night out at the bar? He is in his late twenties so I kind of want to make it special for him. Any suggestions?Christina

-----------------------------------------Hello Christina,All your ideas are pretty good. Honestly, what he will remember is not only the occasion, but also the fact that you went out of your way to make it special for him. The first thing I must ask you is, what kind of guy is he? Does he love a night out? Or does a quiet meal do it for him? It doesn’t make sense to make a huge surprise party when he would prefer a quiet meal and a romantic evening with you. Nothing exists in a vacuum. Give him what you know, deep down, he really wants.If you have a question: email