For once, let’s stick to the plan

I know you will hate me a bit for bringing this topic up but I have to, it’s in our faces all the time, whether we view it as positive or negative. But it is a fact. Our weight defines us. Plus if you have ever lived in North America, it is even worse.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I know you will hate me a bit for bringing this topic up but I have to, it’s in our faces all the time, whether we view it as positive or negative. But it is a fact. Our weight defines us. Plus if you have ever lived in North America, it is even worse.Here in Rwanda, we have been lucky to avoid the all the magazine covers and TV shows that remind us everyday that, in fact, a size 6 is not healthy and that a size 2 or 0 is the only way to look because Gisele Bunchen looks that way. Its even worse for women who have recently been given the gift of life in the form of a baby and now have "bounce” back to their pre-baby weight. Simply because Adrianna Lima can do it, so can you. I have no hate towards models or actresses but I do have distaste for the fact that many of us try to adapt their workout plans and diets to our lives.For example, I hate and really do hate anything called a cleanse! There are different types of cleanses and usually celebrities use them right before award shows or photo shoots. I can’t even count on my hand how many times I have had a friend talk to me about being on a cleanse. It means I can forget calling her for lunch or dinner because for the next month or so she can only consume fluids. Yes that means smoothies or soups not even a real salad or anything. Another horrible fad women try to do is over-working themselves out. I have seen Kim Kardashian tweet about working out twice a day, once at 5am and later on in the afternoon. Both times with a personal trainer. Ummm, where does she get the time to do this and build her empire?!As you can see we are chasing goals that simply do not fit into the average woman’s lifestyle. These women’s lives depend on them not gaining weight. So, if you gain a bit of healthy weight while pregnant don’t beat yourself over it. If you have a wedding in a couple months and you want to make your Ex eat his heart out, well start those workouts and healthy diets long before if it isn’t already part of your daily routine, don’t start 2 weeks before and expect sustainable results cause once you stop eating your dinner through a straw, you will gain back every pound as it has been proven. It’s okay that you can keep up with Kim Kardashian’s workout timetable, she pays thousands of dollars to have someone push her and she has people who work for her to run all your errands you have to do yourself.Also you should see your workouts and diet as part of your life as your job. Don’t do them as chores you should see them as keeping yourself healthy to avoid all the horrible diseases that exist these days. Eat healthy and of course cheat once in awhile and do something active for even 30minutes everyday and I’m sure you will feel better about yourself.Don’t let your dress size or the number on the scale define you but let your ability to never quit the healthy lifestyle be something you are proud of.