Repeating a class is no fun but it might help

Nothing beats the joy of ending an academic year and getting promoted to the next class – to many teens, its one step closer to independence! But that is not how it was for a friend of mine, Dickson (not real name), whose academic report changed our joy into sorrow last Thursday.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Do not wait for work to pile up or you will find yourself left behind. Net photo.

Nothing beats the joy of ending an academic year and getting promoted to the next class – to many teens, its one step closer to independence! But that is not how it was for a friend of mine, Dickson (not real name), whose academic report changed our joy into sorrow last Thursday. We all left for the holidays with sorrow due to the disappointing fact that Dickson was asked to repeat a class. He said to us "I have tasted regret and that is why you need to work hard to avoid regret.” This may sound funny or boring but it’s true. Repeating a class is truly disappointing, not to the student, but the parents (who have to dish out more money on the same class) and the teachers who felt they had done their job. The thing is, forget disappointment, and work towards turning that disappointment into success. Don’t feel isolated or frustrated (well, maybe that’s natural) but let it go, when the term begins. If you were never serious before, now is the time to be serious. You do not want to repeat the same class twice! Read like you’ve never read before, don’t feel shy or embarrassed - things happen. Lurking away in a corner, afraid to speak or participate because some rude kid will tease you will not help the situation. Even though it seems bad, repeating a class might just be the best thing that ever happened to you. Use that chance to enhance your performance. Combine both obtained and current knowledge and put it to good use.  Forget about reading only when exams draw near, that is a wrong approach. Read as often as possible, but don’t forget about engaging in extracurricular activities – they will help keep your mind fresh and fit. I know some teachers seem boring, which is why some subjects are disliked, but it is your attitude towards these subjects that will help you pass. Math is fun; say it to yourself until you actually start believing it.  I know math is one of the most disliked subjects. But with the right attitude, you can nail it. The same goes for chemistry, physics, biology and anything else that bores you. It all comes as a result of not working hard and poor concentration. The easiest way to avoid all this is by studying with your friends and moving on with them. But everything happens for a reason and that goes for rebounding classes too. Take heart, see this as a new chapter and start over. When exams come around again, you might just nail them even higher than you ever dreamed. Work hard, be determined, be committed, respect and love your teachers and use their services because that is what they are there for. Good luck!