Story corner:The stupid fox

Long time ago there lived a very wise hare. He used to sleep all day and yet wanted to eat all the time. When it came to night, he woke up when everyone was asleep and quickly went to other animals’ gardens to harvest food like it was his own.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Long time ago there lived a very wise hare. He used to sleep all day and yet wanted to eat all the time. When it came to night, he woke up when everyone was asleep and quickly went to other animals’ gardens to harvest food like it was his own.With every animal complaining in the morning, it got the chiefs attention and he called for a village meeting. They thought hard about this animal that ate their harvest.So they set a trap for the hare in the farm he hadn’t visited yet. Night came and the hare went to steal. On his way he was unfortunate and fell in the ditch. Wondering how his life had ended, and how he had finally been caught, a fox passed by."Mr. fox,” he shouted, "I had seen the animal that was stealing the harvest but as I chased it I fell in here, if you love your village and want to see justice served, please pull me out and together, we can find this animal and hand it in?” The fox pulled the hare out and with no mercy, the hare kicked the fox into the ditch and went screaming to the animals, "Help help we have finally caught the thief, everybody run and see”.And the poor fox suffered through his own stupidity.