Media can be used properly to build nations

Editor,I totally agree with the writer of the article titled Rwanda’s past haunted by its past, that freedom of expression should not be excessive to the extent that it infringes on the rights of others or breaks the law.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Editor,I totally agree with the writer of the article titled Rwanda’s past haunted by its past, that freedom of expression should not be excessive to the extent that it infringes on the rights of others or breaks the law.

It is also true that Human Rights, Amnesty International officials talk of civil rights violations in Rwanda and exaggerate it which is bad. Personally, I am a private person and I would feel bitter if media people wanted to poke their noses into my private matters. However, nobody should gag the media under the pretext of privacy or rights of others. Journalists have complained several times after government officials refuse to give them information. They want journalists to cover only good stories and leave the dirt uncovered. This is not journalism. We need to be told what happens about public funds.Rukundo, Kigali(Reaction to a story ‘Rwanda’s media-haunted by its past’ published on Monday)