Resigning from your job honourably

Many people change jobs based on a number of factors including the search for greener pastures.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Many people change jobs based on a number of factors including the search for greener pastures.  But it is always courteous to resign from one’s position honourably. When you have already made the decision to leave your job, talk to your boss explaining why you may want to do so. Andine Ntwari, customer relationship manager at NFT, says that normally, an employee who has arrived at a decision to resign based on various reasons should give a written notice of 30 days to the current employer to enable him/her to get a replacement. She says that your boss should not hear of your plans to resign from the grapevine. Anything can happen and you may end up losing both your current job and the new one. You should leave a positive image behind discussing your plans with your boss including your future career prospects.  During your last days at the job, maintain a positive attitude until you start your new job. Otherwise, it may have a negative implication on your new job especially if your new employer asks for a recommendation letter from your former employer.Don’t give a cold shoulder if your boss calls you for a discussion over your impending departure. The future may come to haunt you.Remember to tender in your resignation letter to whoever is concerned by following all the procedures. Otherwise, there may be legal implications if these are not followed to the letter.