When will President Kagame come and inspire Indian youth

Editor, I read with keen interest your very interesting lead story in The Sunday Times issue dated, November 11, titled “Kagame inspires Nigerian youth.”

Monday, November 12, 2012

Editor, I read with keen interest your very interesting lead story in The Sunday Times issue dated, November 11, titled "Kagame inspires Nigerian youth.”It is very encouraging to see  The Young Nigerian Professionals hosting an interactive youth summit at the Civic Center in Lagos and President Kagame  giving the youth there, invaluable advice and guidance on how to grasp all available opportunities to ensure success.The President went on to explain that progress and belief always go hand in hand and that nothing is impossible , if one works hard towards achieving one’s goals. He also stressed the need for women empowerment and highlighted the fact that Rwanda’s parliament comprised 56.3 per cent women, thus making the country the most female - friendly national legislature in the world.The Indian Merchants' Chamber, a Premier Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the only Chamber in the country, which had the great Mahatma Gandhi as an Honorary Member, would be delighted to welcome President Kagame to Mumbai and invite him to deliver a key note address at an International Youth Forum in the business capital of the country.We do have a lot to learn from Rwanda, particularly in the areas of "good governance” and "zero tolerance to corruption” . The tremendous progress made by the country over the last eighteen years, gives the world a glowing example in resilience.When will President Kagame come and inspire Indian youth?Clarence Fernandes, India