We need modern buses in Rwanda

Editor,Privatisation is the way to go for Onatracom. The government should only provide legal and regulatory framework but doing business by government is a big NO.

Monday, November 12, 2012
Passengers aboard an Onatracom bus in Nyabugogo bus terminal. The New Times/T. Kisambira.

Editor,Privatisation is the way to go for Onatracom. The government should only provide legal and regulatory framework but doing business by government is a big NO. Look at our neighbouring countries, the private sector is successful in transport business where they have modern fleet while here we are using very old uneconomical buses. As the situation stands at the moment, I can tell it’s being used to benefit a few. We need modern buses in Rwanda.Josphat, Kigali(Response to a story ‘Onatracom to be privatised’ published yesterday.)