Allan is spot on

Editor, I agree with Allan.  Kenya needs to go for someone young and presentable. Yes, Peter Kenneth has a lot in common with President Paul Kagame.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Editor,I agree with Allan.  Kenya needs to go for someone young and presentable. Yes, Peter Kenneth has a lot in common with President Paul Kagame. I admire his charisma and courageous words from his speech. I believe Peter Kenneth can save Kenya. Uhuru and Ruto believe they can make it and yes they will but I see their main agenda is to have a platform to settle the big issue of International Criminal Court (ICC).P. Louise, Kigali

-------------------------------------Editor,ALLAN’s article is spot on. Well, I still don’t think we have any candidate we can compare to President Kagame.None is as visionary or rather none has proved himself as yet. On the ICC issue, I think cases and trials should be done locally, just like the Gacaca courts did.Who made the west the world police? No actually Africa’s police? They only prosecute Africans and we have let them do it. Our judiciary is able and competent enough to handle our cases.  Good article Allan.. One more thing..... How will ICC look like if we made President the very person they say committed crimes against Kenyans? I think that will be a slap on their faces...something that I really don’t mind doing.Ckangongoi, Nairobi(Reaction to a story ‘A double for Obama but is Kenya ready for its own PK?’ published yesterday)