Hotel security arrested over burglary

Four security guards have been apprehended in connection with theft of Rwf7million from Top Tower Hotel accounts office on Friday night.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Four security guards have been apprehended in connection with theft of Rwf7million from Top Tower Hotel accounts office on Friday night. The suspect is reported to have entered the office after breaking through the window and the safe where the money was kept.The guards are the prime suspect because they were on duty and their office is also next to the accounts office, according to a source from police.The quartet is currently detained at the Remera Police station.Central region’s Police Spokesperson, Superintendent Albert Gakara, told The New Times that they have taken finger prints from the suspects for investigations."We are going to continue with investigations to make sure that those guilty don’t go unpunished for this crime. Whoever is found guilty, will serve six months to two years imprisonment and pay two to five times the value of the stolen amount of money,” he said.Meanwhile, early this week, an accountant at HASHI Petrol station, Kamutwa cell Kacyiru sector, Gasabo district stole Rwf10 million from his work place.According to the police, the bank always picks the money in the evenings from the petrol station and this time when they came to pick money, the employee told them to wait a little bit while he run away with the Rwf10 million.Superintendent Gakara said that the accountant disappeared with the money and since then he’s phones, with both the MTN and Tigo lines have been off.He however added that police is on the search for that accountant and investigating the case. Once the culprit is got, he will serve a sentence of seven to ten years’ and pay between two to five times the value of the stolen amount of money.