Keeping your relationship alive

IT is a good feeling to live happily ever after with your one true love. But these days, true love has become a thing of the past. There is this theory that if you want to know a happy or frustrated couple you will know this in the morning.

Friday, November 09, 2012
You can achieve true love.

IT is a good feeling to live happily ever after with your one true love. But these days, true love has become a thing of the past. There is this theory that if you want to know a happy or frustrated couple you will know this in the morning.

The way a couple relates when going to work in the morning speaks volume about how they live. There is this perception: if you see a couple in their car in the morning chatting animatedly and look happy; chances are that they are still dating or newly-married.

For those who are so unhappy in their marriages you can tell by the way each person is looking the other way wearing a killer face.But there is one thing that ought to be asked: Aren’t people satisfied with love anymore? Why are we seeing divorce left, right and centre as if it’s the only right thing to do? Many young couples today seem to be in a hurry to solve their problems through separation and divorce – some marriages end even before the ink on the marriage certificate is dry.Love should be sweet and never sour. Two people who are in love should be able to solve their issues without much ado. So, where do people go wrong in keeping their relationships alive to last longer?Make time for date nightWhether you are married or not, every couple should have a date night. Making one day a week a special time for the two of you and bond is important in every relationship. A couple can decide to go for a simple date like going to the movies, taking a walk along the beach or even going for out-of-town picnic. Might sound small – but the power of date night for a couple has been known to make the heart grow fonder – remembering your dating days rekindles the flame once again.Drop in a love noteThere is nothing as a good as reading love notes or little love letters from your spouse as a reminder of their love to you. This might not be practical in our African culture, but for those who can, this works.Good sexIt is almost a taboo in African culture to discuss sex; but discussing bedroom matters and improving where need be, goes along way in making a relationship/marriage stronger. Sex is two way traffic, both partners should be able to satisfy each other. Arguing is healthyThere is no marriage/relationship which can be built without two people having an argument every once in a while. People who say they never argue live a lie. Arguing makes people find out how the other feels about certain issues, thus one can mend their ways.Sharing interests When two people in a marriage/relationship share some interests, then love has more meaning for them. Interests can be anything from reading, writing, biking or camping. My uncle Joe and his wife have been together for over thirty years and they both have an interest in collecting African arts. They have been doing this for many years that their shared interest finally gave birth to business in selling African artifacts. Their love for African artifacts brought them even closer. I have never known a couple in my life, who is so in love.Unwavering love, loyalty and faithfulnessShowing unwavering love to your partner is the best gift that you can give them.We all know that every creature loves to be loved. Even a dog when shown love it responds – and so are human beings. For sickness and in poverty is not for faint hearted; whether you have or have not, once you make a decision to be with someone go full throttle. Do not change your mind along the way when things go wrong. Someone once said that even animals have multiple partners. But I say we are not animals; that is why we were given power over other created things, so behave like one. Always be faithful to your partner.Above all these, build trust in your relationship. Once you trust your partner nothing will worry you even if Miss/Mr Universe came calling. If you notice, small things are what break or make a relationship – forget about big cars and skyscrapers. Those can come later as an icing sugar to your relationship. Keep your relationship alive and enjoy the little joys that come with being in love.